Make Yourself a Priority
Do your new year resolutions include any of these?
- Be more mindful
- Improve my fitness level
- Learn yoga
- Be less stressed
- Improve flexibility
- Be strong
Then our 4 week Quest program is for you!
Join the introductory Quest now for $4.00!
We have nicknamed this the “Beta Quest” –– there are many elements of the Quest that are new to us and we expect glitches and technical issues along the way. The benefit to you? A price tag of $4 and the chance to play a very important role in the development of the program! What we want from you? Active participation and honest feedback and suggestions! Thank you in advance for taking this journey with us! —- Jenny & Kristi
Our Quest focuses on:
- Hydration
- Yoga: short beginner/novice poses and flows
- Mind, Soul & Heart practices
- Cardio of YOUR choice*
- Nutrition (determined by you, supported by us)*
- Weekly planning for success
*For the nutrition and cardio pieces of the program, we provide some guidelines and options, but YOU determine your own goals and we support you from there.
Full Access to the 4 week Quest includes:
4 Pose Introduction Videos
4 Yoga Flow Videos
4 Yoga Flow Audio-only files
- Build your home yoga practice slowly
- Weekly progression that’s easy enough for a novice
- Videos are short (Week 1 flow is 3 minutes!)
to fit into even the busiest schedule - Zero commutes to a studio
- No fancy clothes or equipment required
Printable Tracking sheets
- A full sheet weekly version
- A full sheet daily version
- A 1/2 sheet daily version
- 3 additional versions for meal planning & tracking
- Additional evaluation & goal setting sheets
with advice on setting goals you will achieve
Print and use the version(s) that works best for you
Private Facebook group
- Support from Jenny on yoga poses and practices
- Support from Kristi on planning and tracking
- Peer support and accountability
- Share your successes and challenges
Still aren’t sure…
Get full access for 2 days by registering for the