Welcome to our online yoga adventure
We are Jenny and Kristi. We are real people, with real lives. Between us we have 5 children ranging in age from 4 to 17. We each have a husband and we each have income-earning jobs. Our talents are completely different, yet complimentary. Jenny is the yogi and wellness expert; Kristi is the web designer and planning expert.
We created Priority Yoga to bring beginner yoga practice and healthy lifestyle support to busy people with real lives, just like us.

Jenny Simmons
YogaFit Instructor, LMP, Wellness Coach, Mother of 2
My name is Jenny. I am a busy, working mother of two beautiful boys and a yoga lover. I got into yoga as a result of a back injury while playing college volleyball, then found yoga gave me so much more in my life than physical recovery. Yoga has helped me find myself, keeps me grounded when things feel out of control, and allows me to love my body for what it can do rather than just what it looks like.
As a yoga instructor for the past ten years, I have found that good alignment, posture, and basic functional movements that feel good to the body, as well as build strength and flexibility are the groundwork for beginning yoga.
I have a Bachelors Degree in Physical Education, with an emphasis in health and fitness as well as a Massage Therapy Degree. I am YogaFit level three trained and love to introduce people to yoga in whichever setting works best for them. A practice at home works best for me and my life, and I hope you find benefit in it too. Namaste and enjoy your journey!

Kristi Nason
Planner, Webmaster, Mother of 3
I’m busy. The majority of my time is spent managing the schedules of my 3 kids; driving the younger 2 to-and-fro and homeschooling the youngest. I literally do not have time to drive to a yoga or fitness classes so I bring those to me, in my home, thanks to Jenny! This has been a life changer for me — and now we are sharing that, online, with YOU! My genius zone is planning – I’m the queen of list making! I schedule time EVERY week for review and scheduling of the week ahead. Without this planning session I flounder through the days without direction, forget important tasks/appointments and feel overwhelmed, out of control and entirely stressed out! I’ll be sharing my planning secrets and several of my lists and planning sheets. I’ve dabbled with yoga over the past couple of years but I’d consider myself a beginner so I’ll be participating in the programs offered here right along with YOU.